The Magic and Power of Crystals

There are thousands of different crystals out there. All of which have their own meaning and power. Some people go for the the looks and shine of a crystal and others go for the deep meaning behind them to help them be guided through life. What ever your meaning, it does not matter. Your collection is yours to embrace your beautiful aura.


The beautiful sphere rose quartz is considered one of the most powerful healing tools because of its shape. It’s so pure and elegant. It’s a perfect crystal to have by your bed side.


This picture does not do the Spirit Quartz justice for its beautiful colours. In natural light you can see the different hues of pink and purple this gorgeous crystal emanates. The Spirit Quartz is a crystal of harmony and alignment. It gathers up all the energies of the other crystals and amplifies them out through it’s many points.


Blue Calcite is amazing for calming the nerves and anxiety. I don’t suffer from being nervous or anxious myself but this stone also aids with calming, relaxation and rest. Working with the third eye chakra, this crystal can help enhance your inner sight.


Although man-made, the Opalite is one of the most mesmerizing crystals I have. the different colours if gives off in natural light and its clarity. Hold it up to the light and you’ll feel yourself in another dimension. Known as the stone of emotional balance, the Opalite improves communications and helps in removing energy blockages of the chakras and meridians.


The Amethyst. My birth stone. Of course I have 2. The Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones. It protects and naturalizes negative energy. Aids in intuition, spirituality and meditation. Also balances out the highs and lows.

When picking your crystals, let it call to you. You’ll feel when it’s right. Don’t rush into buying it just because. Crystals are a beautiful entity to help you spiritually.

I bought all of my crystals from Odyssey in Pickering. The prism amethyst was gifted to me.